1. Prepare the Wound Bed
Prepare the wound using standard methods to promote hemostasis and ensure it is free of debris and necrotic tissue.
Prepare the wound using standard methods to promote hemostasis and ensure it is free of debris and necrotic tissue.
Trim PHOENIX Wound Matrix® (PHOENIX) to size such that the edges match the edges of the wound bed.
Gently smooth PHOENIX to remove all air bubbles and ensure direct contact of matrix with entire wound bed.
Anchor PHOENIX with preferred method of fixation: staples, sutures, surgical glue, or reinforced adhesive skin closures (e.g., Steri-Strip™).
Gently rinse PHOENIX and wound bed with sterile saline to facilitate full contact with the wound bed.
Apply an appropriate non-adherent dressing over PHOENIX to bolster it firmly in contact with the wound bed and to manage the wound environment.
Information on reimbursement in the United States is provided as a courtesy. Due to the rapidly changing nature of the law and Medicare payment policy, and our reliance on information provided by outside sources, the information provided herein does not constitute a guarantee or warranty by RenovoDerm, Inc. that reimbursement will be received. This information is provided "AS IS" and without any other warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, as to completeness or accuracy or otherwise. This information has been compiled based on data gathered from many primary and secondary sources, including the American Medical Association and certain Medicare contractors.